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Are you planning your first camping trip with your family or friends? Want to know camping tips for beginners? In this guide, we share camping tips that will help make your camping trips successful and fun. It is our hope that some of them will be useful for you.

1. Reserve Ahead of Time
If you can reserve your campsite ahead of time, do just that. Call them and ask questions you may have. Ask about amenities, safety, capacity, and rules, and be well informed. Look for reviews on that campsite.
2. Weather Watch
Study the weather for the days you will be on camp but also the entire week including the day you will travel to and from the campsite.
3. Take Extras, Extras, & More Extras
As a first-time camper, you don’t want to run out of any essentials. Trust me, it’s not a good experience. Toilet paper, water, batteries, fuel for stove and lanterns, clothes as well as quick-drying clothes, blankets, and food are just a few. Be overly prepared.
4. Gear Dry Run
Set up your tent and any other gear you will need to put up on the campsite. Ensure everyone can comfortably be in the tent with sufficient space. If the tent has a footprint, set it up also; if it has a rainfly, set it up also. Set everything up as a test run. Cook on your camp stove if you just bought it and have never used it before.
5. Tablecloth
If it is your first time camping, I suggest you take along a tablecloth or two. When you see the tables, you might just want to use your tablecloth.

6. Checklist
Prepare a checklist so you don’t miss out on anything and run through it before you get in the car.
7. Always Be Cleaning
This will make things easier for you on camp. Once you are cleaning as you go, you will have more time for other things.
8. Plan Meals
Prep your meals at home as much as possible. Consider meals that have similar ingredients and do meals that you have prepared before and are comfortable making.
9. Camp Rules
Always follow camp rules
10. First Aid Kit
Anything can happen while camping and you want to be prepared. Have a first aid kit and it should include the regular first aid items. Put some painkillers in it also.

11. Flashlights
Take along some good and robust flashlights along with batteries.
12. Prepare For Insects
They are a nuisance and can bother you if you are not prepared for them. There are some creative ways like carrying sage in bunches and putting it in your fire. It drives mosquitoes away. Or take along bug spray and sunscreen or mosquito repellant. Either way, figure out a solution for insects.
13. Garbage Bags
Carry a lot of them. You will need them.
14. Sleeping Bag
Take along a good sleeping bag. Borrow one or buy a good one. You want to have a comfortable place to get a good night’s sleep.
15. Ice
You will need ice and more ice. Take a lot of ice and then extra. I usually free my water bottles which keep the food cold in the cooler. When it eventually melts, it becomes cold water to drink.

16. Camping Cooler
You will need good coolers which can close tightly. Take two or more.
17. Pot, Pans, & Utensils
Take along some good pots, pans, and utensils.
18. Chairs
Take along some chairs for sitting. You can find some that fold very nicely to make them very portable.
19. Plastic Containers
Get some inexpensive plastic containers for your food.
20. Lighter or Waterproof Matches
To start a fire, you will need a lighter or some matches.

21. Pocket Knife or Multi-tool
You will need a pocket knife or better take along a multi-tool.
22. Duck or Gaffer Tape
Take along duck or gaffer tape. You will need it.
23. Aluminum Foil
You will need it for storing as well as cooking food.
24. Wet Baby Wipes
You need these. Take some along.

25. Maps & GPS
Get some maps of the campsite, either online or from the campground.
26. Emergency Contact
Inform someone of your camping trip and give them all the details.
27. Games, Books & Toys
Take along some games, toys for kids, and a few good books to read.
28. Tarp
A tarp is very useful if you can get one.
29. Snacks
Take a variety of snacks. Don’t forget these.
30. Ax
Take along a dependable ax with you.

31. Wood
Take enough firewood for camping.
32. Have Fun
Camping is all about doing something other than our usual life routine. Make it fun and enjoy yourself.
33. Camp Stove
Take along a camp stove, preferably a 2-sided camping stove.
34. Campground Clean
Leave the campground clean as you met it.

35. Show Gratitude
Stop by the office on your way out and say thanks.
36. Length of Rope
Take along a length of rope or two to camp.
37. Extra Pairs of Socks
Always take extra pairs of socks with you.
38. Gloves
Pairs of gloves will always be useful when you camp. Take a few pairs with you.

39. Sunglasses & Hats
Don’t forget to take sunglasses and hats with you.
40. Microfiber Towels
Carry a pack or two of microfiber towels.
There are five important factors of wilderness survival to take into account to stay safe and stay comfortable. The five factors include: wind, water, widowmakers, wood, and wildlife. These factors are referred to as the “5 W’s.”
Camping tips for beginners can be the difference between a successful camping trip and one that left a lot to be desired. We have shared some of the best camping tips for beginners to help you plan and have a memorable trip with family and friends.